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Galen Harkness • Oct 14, 2024

Embracing the Hard: How Struggle Builds Stronger Basketball Players

Challenges on the court are what make players tough off the court.

At EYG Basketball, we believe that *hard is ok.*

Challenges on the court are what make players tough off the court.

It’s easy to get frustrated after a missed shot or a tough game.

But those moments are where the real growth happens.

Every time you struggle, you’re building the strength to face the next challenge.

Here’s how parents and players can turn struggle into success:


1. Hard is Ok

Hard days are normal in basketball – and in life. 

When you miss a shot, or the game doesn’t go your way, remember it’s part of the process. 

Think about players like Steph Curry – he didn’t get here without setbacks.

But with each struggle, he got better and more confident.

Tell yourself that these tough moments are *making you stronger.*


2. Reflect on What You Learned

Each struggle is an opportunity to learn.

Ask yourself, “What did I struggle with today?”

Was it your shot? Was it defense? Or maybe staying focused?

Reflecting on the game helps you see where to improve.

Take a moment to understand what didn’t go well and why.

This simple reflection is the first step to getting better.


3. Turn Reflection Into Action

Now, take what you learned and put it to work.

Did you struggle with shooting? Commit to 15 extra minutes a day on that.

Was defense tough? Spend time on footwork and positioning.

Taking action doesn’t mean changing everything at once.

It’s about small, consistent efforts that lead to big improvements.

Every extra rep, every focused drill, builds your game and your confidence.


4. Encourage Effort at Home

Parents, this mindset starts with you, too.

Celebrate your player’s effort, even when the result isn’t perfect.

Talk about what they’re learning, not just how many points they scored.

This encourages them to see struggles as a chance to grow.

And it helps them stay motivated to keep working.


Remember, struggle is not something to avoid.

It’s something to lean into, invest in, and build on.

At EYG Basketball, we know hard days lead to big wins.

So the next time you face a challenge, tell yourself: Hard is ok.

Then take action, put in the work, and keep moving forward.

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